Our local community depends on the wisdom and experience that seniors positively contribute each and every day. The guidance provided to current and future generations is vital to the continued development of our communities. Stories of hard work and sacrifice remind us that we must equally work hard to build upon the foundations set by older generations to continue to help make Australia a great, prosperous nation.
It is vital that our nation gives back to our seniors through the provision of health care, respite and rehabilitation facilities, aged support and employment services; together with advice and assistance for self-funded retirees.
I am proud to represent you and your interests in Federal Parliament. I hope the Fairfax Seniors’ Guide is of assistance in providing important details on
available services in our local community and their contact information.
If you require any additional information or any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact my office on 5479 2800 or ted.obrien.mp@aph.gov.au.
Download the Senior’s Guide HERE or by clicking the picture below: