Coal-to-Nuclear Transformation


The Coalition is committed to reducing emissions and reducing power prices. That is why we are taking an “all of the above” approach to energy.

The evidence is clear – electricity grids that provide low cost, low carbon electricity include nuclear energy in their mix. Ontario, France and South Korea are a just a few examples.

Replacing retired coal power stations with advanced nuclear energy has many benefits beyond reliable, affordable, zero-emission electricity – such as ongoing, high-paying jobs work for the highly skilled workforce already within the community.

Solar and wind will continue to be an important part of the energy mix. But many rural communities are opposed to the thousands of kilometres of transmission lines that these technologies require.

Advanced nuclear energy can work with renewable energy to efficiently and affordably decarbonise our electricity system without requiring us to duplicate the existing transmission network.

Read my article in The Australian about a coal-to-nuclear transformation, as published on 9 August 2023 – HERE or click the picture below.

Read Geoff Chambers, Chief Political Correspondent at The Australian, analysis of the issue HERE.

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