As the Federal Member for Fairfax, my priority has been driving game-changing deals for rail, roads and the airport.
Few regions in Australia can boast the funding we are now receiving from the Federal Government, and so let me share with you a snapshot of the investments the Government has committed to over the last financial year.
The Sunshine Coast was a big winner in this year’s Federal Budget with over $2 billion committed to upgrades to the Bruce Highway and North Coast Rail Line.
My job isn’t just about securing deals, however. It’s also about helping people, backing business and making a contribution to our wonderful Sunshine Coast community.
Thank you for letting me serve as your Federal MP and as we move into 2018/19, I look forward to continuing to do my best and deliver for the people of the Sunshine Coast.
My Annual Report Summary will hit letterboxes in the electorate from 12 July 2018. If you would like a full, 12 page Annual Report, please contact my office at or call 54789 2800.