The House of Representatives Standing Committee on the Environment has extended the submission deadline for its inquiry into the intensity and frequency of bushfires.
Submissions are now invited by 31 March 2020.
Chair of the Committee, Mr Ted O’Brien MP, said that ‘as the threat and reality of the fires continue for many communities across Australia, the Committee recognises that bushfire affected organisations and individuals need to direct resources to the immediate tasks of response and recovery’.
‘We extend our sympathies to fellow Australians who have been impacted by this season’s devastating fires, and our gratitude to those working tirelessly to control them’.
‘Once the current bushfire situation has eased, the Committee looks forward to receiving a range of considered evidence to inform its inquiry. We want to develop recommendations that can assist in ensuring that Australia takes the best possible approach to preventing such terrible events in future and being better equipped to manage them’, Mr O’Brien said.
The Committee’s inquiry was adopted in December 2019 on referral from the Minister for Natural Disaster and Emergency Management, the Hon David Littleproud MP. The inquiry’s terms of reference relate to the efficacy of past and current vegetation and land management policy, practice and legislation and their effect on the intensity and frequency of bushfires and subsequent risk to property, life and the environment.
If you would like to contribute to the inquiry, you can make a submission. Submissions will be accepted until 31 March 2020. The Committee intends to hold public hearings at various locations, which will be announced in due course on the inquiry website.
Submissions must address the inquiry’s terms of reference, which are available along with details on how to make a submission on the inquiry website.
For background information:
House of Representatives Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy
(02) 6277 4580