New local roads at the Maroochydore and Mons Rds Interchange

Local News

You may recall the funding that I secured a few years ago to cover 80% of the $301.25 million upgrade of the Maroochydore and Mons Roads Interchange, on the Bruce Highway.
I can report that the project reached a key milestone this week (March 2023), with the new eastern service roads being fully opened in Forest Glen. The western service road is scheduled to fully open mid-April.

The practical benefit of these service roads is that motorists, pedestrians and cyclists no longer have to enter the Bruce Highway for local commutes around this area.

The upgrade had been worth fighting for and now that it’s being delivered, the real winners will be Sunshine Coast residents, workers and businesses.

This upgrade is transformational for the Sunshine Coast – providing greater efficiency, capacity and allowing people to get home sooner and safer.

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