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The Federal Liberal and Nationals Government has committed up to $241 million to majority fund Stage 1 of the Bruce Highway – Maroochydore Road Interchange Upgrade, including an additional $91.4 in the 2019-20 Federal Budget.

Federal Member for Fairfax Ted O’Brien said the project will improve safety and bust congestion on the busy Sunshine Coast section of the Bruce Highway.

“This project will improve network efficiency and capacity, address current and emerging safety issues, and respond to community issues, including bicycle and pedestrian access and safer separation between local and regional traffic,” Mr O’Brien said.

The project will also include planning works for the section of the Bruce Highway between the Sunshine Motorway and the Maroochydore Road Interchange.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the project will support an estimated 150 jobs through construction.

The project will upgrade the Maroochydore Road and Mons Road Interchanges, provide two-way service roads on the western and eastern side of the interchange, extend Owen Creek Road to Sunshine Coast Grammar School and install new drainage structures to maintain and improve flood immunity,” Mr McCormack said.

The Deputy Prime Minister also paid tribute to Member for Fairfax Ted O’Brien

“I want to pay tribute to Ted O’Brien who’s worked especially hard on this one, he’s a proven deal maker who knows how to secure funding for his patch.     

“Tonight’s Budget will also provide a major investment in vital road infrastructure right across Queensland with $287.2 million for the Cairns Ring Road, as well as a $1 billion investment to upgrade key corridors under the Roads of Strategic Importance initiative.

Maroochydore interchange

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